Vetting Your Business Idea, Part 1: Side Hustle or Full-Time?

In this episode, I’m going to discuss the mental struggle that entrepreneurs go through when deciding to start their own business and how to launch with confidence. Being a business owner isn’t for everyone. Some people perform better as an employee, where they get to enjoy a consistent paycheck and have tasks assigned to them.

Being your own boss has a lot of benefits but it doesn’t come easy. Either you’re out of work and ready to start entrepreneurship full-time or you have a job and want to start a side hustle. Over half of Americans are looking to start a side hustle but don’t know where to start. The first thing you need to do is figure out if your business idea is viable then you can proceed to turn it into a reality.

Feras has founded, grown, and sold businesses in Silicon Valley and abroad, scaling them from zero revenue to 7 and 8 figures. In 2019, he sold e-Nor, a digital marketing consulting company, to dentsu (a top-5 global media company). Feras has served as an advisor to 150+ other new startup businesses, and in his current venture, Start Up With Feras, he's on a mission to help entrepreneurs in the consulting and services space start and grow their businesses smarter and stronger.

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