Improving the Billing Cycle by Being Resourceful

As an entrepreneur, cash is the bloodline of your business. Delays in getting paid could cause all sorts of issues. If you’re really serious about improving your cash flow and reducing your accounts receivable cycle, you have to be creative and resourceful.

There are a number of ways you can be resourceful:

  • Examine your delivery cycle: what is slowing the process down?
  • Improve turnaround for sales process
  • Be flexible and accommodate the client
  • Help your clients overcome roadblocks

The bottom line is that you must find creative ways to remove obstacles from getting your deliverables completed so that your invoices are paid!

Feras has founded, grown, and sold businesses in Silicon Valley and abroad, scaling them from zero revenue to 7 and 8 figures. In 2019, he sold e-Nor, a digital marketing consulting company, to dentsu (a top-5 global media company). Feras has served as an advisor to 150+ other new startup businesses, and in his current venture, Start Up With Feras, he's on a mission to help entrepreneurs in the consulting and services space start and grow their businesses smarter and stronger.

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