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Excellence in Core Consulting Competency Brings Partnership Opportunities

businessman happy with excellent opportunity

As chairman of e-CENS, I was delighted to recently announce the alliance with Invesp to launch Sigma Digital. This offering will provide both e-CENS and Invesp clients with a broader spectrum of expertise in data, analytics, and conversion rate optimization (CRO).

This development represents a natural evolution and synergy for both organizations. While both companies could have potentially built out complementary competencies independently, they each concluded that they can provide greater value to their consulting and professional services clients more quickly by leveraging the established expertise of a partner agency.

Years before a partnership, it all begins with a narrower focus. If you’re looking to start a new consulting or professional services business, as yourself, what’s your unique value proposition? Which audience are you trying to reach?

You can’t do everything well from the start. Define the special value that your consultancy can provide to businesses or individual consumers, get through the first stages of viability, and then potentially expand your offering as can serve your clients’ needs, by either building out related services on your own or partnering with another company that already has a track record in the area that you’re newly targeting.

For e-CENS, it was the latter case, and I think it was a great choice. Having provided outstanding value in data and analytics, I’m eager to see the additional CRO benefit, which puts e-CENS in a great position to offer more services to their clients.

Feras has founded, grown, and sold businesses in Silicon Valley and abroad, scaling them from zero revenue to 7 and 8 figures. In 2019, he sold e-Nor, a digital marketing consulting company, to dentsu (a top-5 global media company). Feras has served as an advisor to 150+ other new startup businesses, and in his current venture, Start Up With Feras, he's on a mission to help entrepreneurs in the consulting and services space start and grow their businesses smarter and stronger.

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