Ask Feras – ORIG

Submit a question or request a free 30-minute session*

*If the two available slots per week are booked, we'll add you to our waitlist.

"I really was … amazed by the pragmatic advice … that not only answered my question but gave me the confidence that we could do it."

- Jim Duffy, Owner of Blue Key Consulting

Are you thinking of turning your expertise into a new consulting or professional services business?

Are you struggling with your next steps in a consulting business that you’ve already started?

Don’t hesitate to ask about any of the considerations below, no strings attached!

  • Determining if a new business makes sense for you

  • The right stage of your career to start a business

  • Vetting your business idea

  • Business planning

  • Legal business entities

  • Partnerships, contracts, and agreements

  • Finance and accounting

  • Marketing and sales

  • Hiring and HR

  • Operations and back office

  • Service delivery

  • Expansion from a side hustle or solopreneurship

A lot of folks have helped me along the way and I’m passionate about giving back.

My goal now is to help you make good decisions, avoid pitfalls, and streamline the steps in your early-stage consulting or professional services startup.

I’ll respond to your question within three business days.

If my response may benefit others, I may post it on this website or another public channel. You will not be identified in any public response without your direct consent.

This can be the industry that you have expertise in (e.g., Accounting) or the industry that you're targeting for your consulting and professional services (e.g., Healthcare).
Please submit a question about your startup, let me know which kinds of resources you would find most helpful, or send a general inquiry.
When you submit to Ask Feras, you'll also subscribe automatically to the Daily Advisor newsletter for early-stage consulting and service businesses.