How Niche Should Your Business Be?
In the original play, Shakespeare’s Hamlet plots to start one of Denmark’s first consulting businesses and is figuring out how specialized he should go.
Just kidding.
But the million-dollar question stands: how far should you niche down?
It’s common wisdom these days to niche down as far as one can.
“Otherwise, your business won’t resonate with anyone.”
I always tell new founders when they’re doing their marketing and sales planning: if you sell to everyone, you sell to no one.
But if you get too niche, you might miss an audience that could benefit from your services and generate your first critical cash flow.
So, instead, pick a segment and stay open to the direction the market takes you.
For example, if you’re an expert in setting up Meta ads, I recommend going a bit broader.
So, instead, go for paid ads or digital marketing campaigns.