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Building Strong Client Relationships Through Effective Onboarding

client onboarding

“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.”

– Jimmy Johnson

This quote perfectly encapsulates the essence of pre-onboarding. It’s those little extra steps you take to understand your client’s needs, create a clear roadmap, and set the stage for a seamless transition that can turn a good client experience into an exceptional one.

Did you know that 63% of customers consider the onboarding experience when deciding to stick with a company long-term? Or that businesses with a solid onboarding process keep 16% more of their new customers?

As someone who has built, scaled, and sold several consulting and service companies, I’ve seen these numbers come to life. The way you welcome new clients can make or break your business.

Think of it like this: client onboarding is the first chapter of a book. If the opening pages are confusing or unengaging, the reader might put the book down before getting to the good parts.

On the other hand, a well-planned client onboarding process sets the stage for a happy and successful relationship. It shows clients you care, helps projects run smoothly, improves your project success rates, and eventually brings in more referrals.

What Exactly is Client Onboarding?

Client onboarding is the process of welcoming a new client into your business and setting them up for success. It’s about building a strong foundation for your working relationship by setting clear expectations, providing the information they need, and making them feel comfortable and confident in their decision to work with you.

Let’s say that you’re a corporate training consultant and you’ve just signed a deal to update a compliance training program in a 500-person pharmaceutical company.

Signing that contract is exciting, but the real work begins right after. Your client will need to understand your working style, your communication frequency, and how to reach out when they need support.

Why a Great Onboarding Process Matters

Here’s how a great onboarding process can make your clients feel welcomed and guided, not just sold to.

Clients Will be More Confident & Comfortable

A well-structured onboarding process assures your clients that they’ve made the right choice. In my experience, taking the time to address their initial questions and concerns upfront sets the stage for a trusting and collaborative relationship.

Fewer Support Requests & Smoother Operations

Properly on-boarded clients will submit fewer support requests, and your operations will run smoother because you have given them a comprehensive overview of your systems, tools, and readily available resources.

Improved Reputation

In the consulting and service industries, your reputation is everything. A seamless onboarding experience helps you stand out from the competition and build a brand known for its exceptional client care.

From ‘Hello’ to ‘Happy Client’: Your Client Onboarding Guide

While some might think client onboarding begins after the deal is sealed, I’ve learned that the seeds of a successful onboarding experience are sown much earlier. It starts with those initial conversations, where you gather crucial information and set clear expectations, paving the way for a smooth transition from prospect to partner.

I’ve organized the onboarding process into three key phases:

Phase 1: Pre-onboarding in Sales

Remember those initial conversations we talked about? The ones where you connect with a potential client, understand their pain points, and showcase how your expertise can solve their problems? Well, that’s where pre-onboarding kicks off, right during the sales process.

It’s about gathering key information that will shape the entire client journey. Think of it as building a solid foundation for your future partnership. You’ll want to:

Gather Client Information

Don’t just skim the surface. Ask thoughtful questions to truly understand their business, their aspirations, and the obstacles they’re facing.

For example, instead of simply asking “What are your goals?”, try something like “What are the top three things you hope to achieve in your business this year?” or “What’s the biggest challenge preventing you from reaching your revenue goals?”

Proposal & Contract

Take everything you’ve learned and craft a proposal that speaks directly to their needs. Clearly outline your services, deliverables, and pricing, demonstrating how you’ll help them overcome challenges and achieve their goals. Once everyone’s on the same page, seal the deal with a clear and concise contract that leaves no room for confusion.

Internal Prep

If they say yes…Now it’s time to get your team ready, if you have one.

  • Assign a dedicated point of contact.
  • Set up project management tools to track progress.
  • Allocate the necessary resources to ensure a smooth kickoff.

Onboarding Impacts Customer Satisfaction and Revenue

Don’t underestimate the power of pre-onboarding. A study by Northpass showed that structured onboarding saw a 60% year-on-year improvement in revenue according to Northpass. They also witnessed a 63% improvement in year-over-year customer satisfaction.

It’s your chance to set expectations, and create a sense of excitement even before the project officially begins.

Phase 2: Getting Started

Congratulations! You’ve landed a new client. Now, it’s time to roll out the red carpet and make them feel like they’ve made the best decision by choosing your services. This “Getting Started” phase is all about creating a warm, welcoming atmosphere and laying the groundwork for a successful partnership.

Here’s how you can nail it:

Personalized Welcome

Forget generic, cookie-cutter greetings. Craft a personalized welcome email or schedule a call to show your genuine enthusiasm. Mention something specific about their business or goals, demonstrating that you’ve done your homework.

Team Introductions

Introduce your client to the key players on your team who will be directly involved in their project. This helps build rapport and fosters a sense of collaboration from the get-go.

Company Culture Overview

Give your clients a glimpse into your company’s values, mission, and work style. This sets expectations and helps them understand how you operate.

Phase 3: Project Kickoff

The initial phase of onboarding is done, and now it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get down to business. The Project Kickoff stage is where you and your client align on the key details, set clear expectations, and chart the course for a successful project.

Here’s what this phase typically involves:

Kickoff Meeting

Schedule a comprehensive kickoff meeting, either in person or virtually, to dive deep into the project specifics. This is your chance to review goals, timelines, and deliverables, ensuring everyone is on the same page from the start.

Establish Expectations

Clearly define roles and responsibilities for both your team and the client.

  • Who’s the main point of contact?
  • What are the key decision-makers?
  • What’s the expected turnaround time for feedback?

Addressing these questions upfront streamlines communication and minimizes confusion.

Set Communication Cadence

Determine how frequently you’ll provide updates, schedule check-ins, and address any questions or concerns.

Practical Tips for Improving Client Onboarding

Now that you’ve got a handle on the key stages involved in client onboarding, let’s dive into some actionable tips to help you polish your process and create raving fans from the start. Remember, small tweaks can make a big difference.

Quick Tips and Strategies

Set Clear Expectations: From the first interaction, be upfront about project scope, deliverables, timelines, and your communication style. This helps prevent misunderstandings and keeps everyone on the same page.

Utilize Communication Tools: Embrace technology to streamline your communication. Project management tools like Asana or Trello and communication platforms like Slack keep everyone organized and informed. See the additional section on tools and software below.

Handle Difficult Conversations with Tact: Not every project will be smooth sailing. When challenges arise, address them head-on with empathy and professionalism. Be transparent, offer solutions, and always keep the client’s best interest in mind.

Followup and Feedback: Don’t just assume everything is going well. Regularly check in with your clients, ask for feedback, and proactively address any concerns they may have.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Overwhelming Clients with Information: Don’t drown your new clients in a sea of data. Provide information in bite-sized chunks and make it easy for them to access resources as needed.

Lack of Personalization: Every client is unique. Take the time to understand their specific needs and tailor your onboarding process accordingly.

Ignoring Feedback: Don’t just collect feedback; act on it! Show your clients you value their input by implementing their suggestions whenever possible.

Going Radio Silent: Once the project kicks off, don’t disappear. Maintain regular communication to keep your client informed and engaged.

Different Client Onboarding Approaches

As you take on new clients, you can consider self-service and tech-powered onboarding solutions, as detailed in the table below.

Strategy Description  Pros Cons
Hands-On Onboarding You personally guide each new client through the process, offering lots of one-on-one attention. Builds strong relationships.

Makes clients feel really valued.

Takes up a lot of your time.

Probably your best option when you’re taking on your first clients.

Might not be scalable as you get more clients.

Self-Service Onboarding Clients learn the ropes on their own, using online guides and video tutorials you provide. Saves you time and money.

Lets clients move at their own speed.

Might be confusing for some clients, or they might not feel as supported.
Hybrid Onboarding Combines self-service and hands-on elements, offering some automation with personal touches. Flexible and can grow with your business.

Still gives clients some individual attention

Needs careful planning to make sure everything runs smoothly.
Tech-Powered Onboarding Uses high-tech software and automation (maybe AI) to streamline the process and make it feel more personal. Efficient

Lets you handle lots of clients

Can gather data to improve your process.

Might feel a bit impersonal for some clients who want that human touch.


Remember, the goal is to make your clients feel welcome and set them up for success. It’s okay to experiment and adjust your approach as your business grows.

Tools and Software for Client Onboarding

These tools can help you automate tasks, streamline communication, and make the whole process feel smooth and professional for your clients. Let’s break down some of the must-haves for each stage of onboarding:


  • Proposal Software: Tools like PandaDoc or Proposify make creating and sending proposals a breeze. They even let clients sign electronically, making things super easy for everyone.
  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Software: Think of this as your client’s digital file. A CRM like HubSpot or Pipedrive helps you keep track of all your client interactions and important details, so you’re always organized and in the know.

Getting Started

  • Email Tools: Services like Mailchimp or ConvertKit let you send automated welcome emails and create sequences of helpful information for your new clients. This keeps them engaged without you having to manually send each email.
  • Video Conferencing: Tools like Zoom or Google Meet are perfect for those first virtual introductions and kickoff meetings. They help you build a personal connection even when you can’t meet face-to-face. To make the most of these virtual interactions, be sure to:
    1. Turn on your camera: Seeing each other’s faces fosters a sense of connection and engagement.
    2. Ensure good lighting: Make sure your face is well-lit to avoid appearing shadowy or unclear.
    3. Present yourself professionally: Dress appropriately and maintain a tidy background to create a positive impression.
    4. Minimize distractions: Find a quiet space where you can focus on the conversation without interruptions.

Project Kickoff

  • Project Management Tools: Keep projects on track with tools like Asana or Trello. These platforms help you create to-do lists, assign tasks, and share files, so everyone’s always on the same page.
  • Communication Tools: Slack or Microsoft Teams can be a lifesaver for keeping the conversation going with your clients. They offer instant messaging, file sharing, and even video calls, all in one place.

Ongoing Support and Communication

  • Client Portal: As your client base grows, you can give each client a dedicated online space to access project updates, deliverables, and communication threads. Tools like Client Portal or HoneyBook make this easy.
  • Knowledge Base Software: A knowledgebase like Help Scout lets you create a library of FAQs and helpful articles, empowering your clients to find answers on their own and reducing the number of support requests you get.

Feedback and Review

  • Survey Tools: Use simple survey tools like Typeform or SurveyMonkey or even Google Forms to gather feedback from your clients. This helps you understand what you’re doing well and where you can improve.

Don’t Get Lost: Smart Hints for Choosing Client Onboarding Tools

  • Start Small: Don’t feel like you need to use every tool out there. Begin with a few essentials that address your most pressing needs and then gradually add more as your business grows.
  • Think Integration: Look for tools that play well together. This means information can flow seamlessly between them, saving you time and headaches.
  • Keep it User-Friendly: Choose tools that are easy for both you AND your clients to use. A steep learning curve can lead to frustration and wasted time.
  • Mind Your Budget: Many tools have free plans or trials, so take advantage of those to see what works best for you before committing to a paid subscription.

Remember, choosing the right tools can help you create a positive and seamless onboarding experience that makes clients feel valued and sets the stage for a successful partnership.

Ready to Master Client Onboarding?

By now, you should have a solid grasp of the client onboarding process, its key stages, and the tools that can help you streamline it. Remember, effective onboarding is an investment in building strong, lasting relationships with your clients.

Take the time to create a personalized and well-structured onboarding experience that sets your clients up for success. Remember to set clear expectations, maintain open communication, and seek feedback regularly.

By following these tips and utilizing the right tools, you’ll transform new clients into loyal brand advocates who will help your startup thrive.

Feras Alhlou

Feras Alhlou

Feras has founded, grown, and sold businesses in Silicon Valley and abroad, scaling them from zero revenue to 7 and 8 figures. In 2019, he sold e-Nor, a digital marketing consulting company, to dentsu (a top-5 global media company). Feras has served as an advisor to 150+ other new startup businesses, and in his current venture, Start Up With Feras, he's on a mission to help entrepreneurs in the consulting and services space start and grow their businesses smarter and stronger.

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